Journal Papers

Khazraee, E.K. & Gasson, S. (2015) ‘Epistemic Objects and Embeddedness: Knowledge Construction and Narratives in Research Networks of Practice’ The Information Society, 31(2), forthcoming, Jan. 2015.

Gasson, S. & Waters, J. (2013) ‘Using A Grounded Theory Approach To Study Online Collaboration Behaviors,’ European Journal of Information Systems (2013) 22, 95–118. doi:10.1057/ejis.2011.24; published online 5 July 2011.

Gasson, S. (2012) ‘Analyzing Key Decision-Points: Problem Partitioning In The Analysis of Tightly-Coupled, Distributed Work-systems,’ International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach (IJITSA), 5(2), 57-83, July-December 2012. DOI: 10.4018/jitsa.2012070104

Agosto, D. E., Atwood, M., & Gasson, S. (2008). Changing mental models of the IT professions: A theoretical framework. Journal of Information Technology Education, Vol. 7, pp 205-221.

Gasson, S. and Shelfer, K.M. (2006) ‘IT-Based Knowledge Management To Support Organizational Learning: Visa Application Screening At The INS’, Information, Technology & People, 20 (4), pp. 376-399. Winner of 2008 Emerald Literati outstanding paper award for the journal Information Technology & People.

Gasson, S. (2006) ‘A Genealogical Study of Boundary-Spanning IS Design’, European Journal of Information Systems, Special issue on Action in Language, Organizations and Information Systems. 15 (1), pp. 1-16.

Gasson, S. (2005) ‘The Dynamics Of Sensemaking, Knowledge and Expertise in Collaborative, Boundary-Spanning Design‘, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC), 10 (4).

DeLuca, D., Gasson, S., and Kock, N. (2006) ‘Adaptations That Virtual Teams Make So That Complex Tasks Can Be Performed Using Simple e-Collaboration Technologies‘, International J. of e-Collaboration, 2 (3), pp. 65-91.

Gasson, S. (2003) ‘Human-Centered vs. User-Centered Approaches To Information System Design‘, Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 5 (2), pp. 29-46.

Gasson, S. (2002) ‘The Impact of E-Commerce Technology on the Air Travel Industry,’ Annals of Cases on Information Technology, Volume V, IRMA & Idea Group Publishing, Hershey PA, pp. 234-249.

Gasson, S. (1999) ‘A Social Action Model of Information Systems Design’, The Data Base For Advances In Information Systems, 30 (2), pp. 82-97.

Gasson, S. (1999) ‘The Reality of User-Centered Design’, Journal of End User Computing, 11 (4), pp. 3-13

Gasson, S. (1995) ‘Information Systems: Opening The Black Box’, Systems Society Conference on “Can Information Systems Be Considered A Discipline?”   Published in Systemist: The Journal of the UK Systems Society [ISSN 0961-8309] 17(1), pp. 44-53.

Book Chapters

Gasson, S. (2013) Framing Wicked Problems In Enterprise-System Design Groups, Ch. 4 in Boundary-Spanning in Organizations: Network, Influence, and Conflict, Janice Langan-Fox and Cary L. Cooper (Eds.), Routledge, Taylor and Francis, New York.

Gasson, S. (2009) ‘ Employing A Grounded Theory Approach For MIS Research’, in Dwivedi, Y.K., Lal, B., Williams, M.D., Schneberger, S.L., Wade, M. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Contemporary Theoretical Models in Information Systems, IGI Publishing, Hershey PA, pp. 34-56.

DeLuca, D. Kock, N.F. and Gasson. S. (2007) ‘Virtual Teams Adapt to Simple E-Collaboration Technologies’ in Ned F. Kock (Ed.) Encyclopedia of E-collaboration, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey PA, pp. 699-705.

Gasson, S. (2003) ‘Rigor in Grounded Theory Research – An Interpretive Perspective on Generating Theory From Qualitative Field Studies‘, in Whitman, M. and Woszczynski, A. (Eds.), Handbook for Information Systems Research , Idea Group Publishing, Hershey PA, pp. 79-102

Refereed Conference Papers

Gasson, S. (2015) “Knowledge Mediation and Boundary-Spanning In Global IS Change Projects.” Proceedings of Hawaii Intl. Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-48), Jan. 5-8, 2015. Knowledge Flows, Transfer, Sharing and Exchange minitrack, Knowledge Systems.

Waters, J. & Gasson, S. (2015) “Supporting Metacognition in Online, Professional Graduate Courses.” Proceedings of Hawaii Intl. Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-48), Jan. 5-8, 2015. Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies minitrack, Collaboration Systems and Technologies.

Khazraee, E.  & Gasson, S. (2014)  “Epistemic Objects and Embedded Paradigms in Research Networks of Practice.”  Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA. Aug 2014.

Gasson, S. (2014) “Networks of Practice and Bridging Mechanisms In Global IS Change Projects.” Organizational Communication Division, International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2014), Seattle WA. May 22-26, 2014.

Gasson, S. (2013) Framing Wicked Problems For Enterprise-Spanning InnovationAcademy of Management Annual Meeting, OCIS Division, August 9-13, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), FL. Paper 16707.

Gasson, S. (2012) The Sociomateriality Of Boundary-Spanning Enterprise IS Design, in Joey, F. George (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012, Orlando, USA, December 16-19, 2012. Association for Information Systems 2012, ISBN 978-0-615-71843-9,

Waters, J. and Gasson, S. (2012) Using Asynchronous Discussion Boards To Teach IS: Reflections From Practice, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012, Orlando, USA, December 16-19, 2012. Association for Information Systems 2012, ISBN 978-0-615-71843-9,

Gasson, S. (2011) ‘The Role of Negotiation Objects in Managing Meaning Across e-Collaboration Systems.’ Academy of Management Annual Meeting, OCIS Division, San Antonio, August 11-16, 2011.

Gasson, S. (2008) ‘Goal-Framing and Breakdowns in the Design of Boundary-Spanning Information Systems,’ in: Third Int. Conf. on Design Science Research in Info. Systems and Technology, May 7-9, 2008. Atlanta GA

Gasson, S., and Agosto, D.E. (2008) ‘Millennial Students & Technology Use: Implications for Undergraduate Education’ in: Education in HCI; HCI in Education – The HCIC 2008 Winter Workshop, Jan. 30 – Feb. 3., 2008. Fraser, CO.

Pai, S. and Gasson, S. (2008) ‘Effects of Cultural Differences on Trust Reparation in a Computer Mediated Communication Setting,’ The Sixth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing (C-5 2008) , January 14-16, Poitiers, France.

Gasson, S. (2008) ‘A Framework For The Co-Design of Business and IT Systems,’ Proceedings of Hawaii Intl. Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-41), 7-10 Jan. 2008. Knowledge Management for Creativity and Innovation minitrack, p348. DOI Bookmark:

Gasson, S. (2007) ‘ Progress And Breakdowns In Early Requirements Definition For Boundary-Spanning Information Systems’ in S. Rivard & J. Webster (Eds.) Proc. ICIS ’07, Montréal, Québec, Canada Dec. 9-12, 2007

Waters, J and Gasson, S. (2007) ‘Distributed Knowledge Construction In An Online Community Of Inquiry’, Proceedings of Hawaii Intl. Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40), Jan. 2007. Knowledge Management Track, available online at URL

Waters, J. and Gasson, S. (2006) ‘Social Engagement In An Online Community Of Inquiry,’ in D. Straub & S. Klein (Eds.) Proceedings of ICIS ’06, Milwaukee, WI, paper HCI-03, pp 711-732.

Gasson, S. and Elrod, E.M. (2006) ‘Distributed Knowledge Coordination Across Virtual Organization Boundaries’, in D. Straub & S. Klein (Eds.) Proceedings of ICIS ’06, Milwaukee, WI, paper KM-01, pp 947-966. [Best paper in track award].

Gasson, S. and Elrod, E.M. (2006) ‘ Distributed Leadership Across The Boundaries Of A Virtual Organization’,. Proc.37th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI-37), San Antonio, TX.

Gasson, S. and Elrod, E.M. (2005) ‘Managing Knowledge Across The Boundaries Of A Virtual Organization’, Proceedings of Intl. Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2005 ), ASIS&T, Charlotte NC, 27–28 Oct. 2005, in S. Hawamdeh (Ed.), Knowledge Management: Nurturing Culture, Innovation and Technology, World Publishing Co., Hackensack NJ. ISBN 981-256-556-6, pp. 479-490 .

Gasson, S. (2005) ‘Resolving Wicked Problems: Collaborative Information Systems Design Processes In Boundary-Spanning Groups’. Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2005), Omaha, NE Aug. 11-15 2005.

Gasson, S. (2005) ‘A Soft Systems Analysis of Social Cognition In Boundary-Spanning Innovation’, Proceedings of Hawaii Intl. Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), Jan. 2005. Organizational Systems & Technology Track 8, IEEE, page 9a. Available at

Gasson, S. (2005) ‘Boundary-Spanning Knowledge-Sharing In E-Collaboration’, Proceedings of Hawaii Intl. Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), Jan. 2005. Organizational Systems & Technology Track 8, IEEE page 245b. Available online at

Waters, J. & Gasson, S. (2005) ‘Strategies Employed By Participants In Virtual Learning Communities’, Proceedings of Hawaii Intl. Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), Jan. 2005. Collaboration Systems & Tech. Track 1, IEEE, page 3b. Available online at

Gasson, S. (2004) ‘A Framework For Behavioral Studies of Social Cognition In Information Systems,’ Proceedings of ISOneWorld Conference, Las Vegas NV, 14-16 April 2004 CD-ROM [ISBN 0 9729562-2-0].

Gasson, S. (2004) ‘The Management of Distributed Organizational Knowledge‘, Proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Org. Systems and Technology (Track 8) January 2004, IEEE, page 80248.2. Available online at

Gasson, S. (2003) ‘A Cognitive Perspective On Boundary-Spanning IS Design’, Proceedings of IS-CORE, AIS Pre-ICIS Workshop. Available online at

Gasson, S. (2003) ‘Subjectivity, Context And Perceptions Of Quality In Empirical Research’, Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2003), Tampa FL, 4-6 August 2003, AIS, pp. 2831-2841.

Gasson, S. (2002) ‘Phenomenological approaches and intersubjectivity‘ (position paper) in A. Bhattacharjee & R. J Paul (Eds.) Proceedings of the First International Workshop on “Interpretive” Approaches to Information Systems and Computing Research, Special Interest Group “Interpretive” Approaches and Methods (SIG-AM 2002), 25-27 July 2002, Brunel University UK, [ISBN 1-902316-27-4], Paper 27,

Gasson, S . (1998) ‘‘Framing Design: A Social Process View of Information System Development‘, in R. Hirschheim, M. Newman, & J. I. DeGross (Eds.) Proceedings of ICIS ’98, Helsinki, Finland, December 1998, pp. 224-236.

Gasson, S. (1998) ‘A Social Action Model of Situated Information Systems Design’, Proc. IFIP WG 8.2 & WG 8.6 Joint Conf. Helsinki, Finland, 10-13 Dec. 1998. In T.J. Larsen, L.Levine, H.J. DeGross (Eds.) Information Systems: Current Issues and Future Changes, IFIP Laxenburg Austria, [ ISBN 3-901-882-02-2] pp. 307-326.

Gasson, S. and Holland, N. (1996) ‘The Nature And Processes Of IT-Related Change, Proceedings of IFIP WG 8.2 Conference, Cambridge, UK, December 1995. In W.J. Orlikowski, G. Walsham, M.R. Jones and J.I. deGross (eds.) Information Technology and Changes in Organizational Work, Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 213-234.

Martin, A., Powell, P., Levy, M., Gasson, S., Ormerod, R. and Merali, Y. (1996) ‘ Alternative Paradigms for Information Systems Teaching’, Conference of the UK Academy for Information Systems, Cranfield UK

Gasson, S. (1995) ‘User Involvement In Decision-Making In Information Systems Development’, Proceedings of IRIS 18, Goeteborg, Sweden, August 1995. In: B. Dahlbom, F. Kämmerer, F. Ljungberg, J. Stage & C. Sorensen (Eds.). Gothenburg Studies in Informatics Report 7, pp 201-217. This paper is also reproduced in: Macaulay, L.A. (1996) Requirements Engineering, Springer-Verlag, London, UK, pages 84-91.

Gasson, S. (1995) ‘The Role Of Methodologies In IT-Related Organisational Change’, Proceedings of BCS IS Methods Specialist Group, Northeast Wales Institute UK, 6-8 Sept 11995, British Computer Society, London UK, pp. 267-280.

Gasson, S. (1994) ‘Managing Organisational Change: The Impact Of Information System Development Methods’, in Lissoni et al.. (eds.) Proceedings of BCS IS Methods Specialist Group, Heriot-Watt University UK, Sept. 1994, British Computer Society, London UK, pp. 139-150.

Gasson, S. (1993) ‘A Behavioural Analysis Of Models Of The Information Systems Development Process’, in Jayaratna et al. (eds.) Proceedings of BCS IS Methods Specialist Group, Heriot-Watt University UK, 1-3 Sept. 1993, British Computer Society, London UK, pp 1 5-28.

Presentations, Workshop Papers and Panels

Khazraee, E., S. Gasson. 2013. Knowledge Production in Archaeological Networks of Practice. S. Dawdy (Ed.) Theoretical Archaeology Group, Chicago.

Gasson, S. & Waters, J. (2011) ‘Distributed Thought-Leadership and Passive Learning in Online Education.’ 32nd Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum, February 25-26, 2011, University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, Philadelphia PA — Presentation & Extended Abstract.

Gasson, S. (2011) CTS 2011 Panel Session, “Sharing Knowledge in Online Communities” (Panel Organizer and Moderator).

Gasson, S. (2010) “Using Grounded Theory To Generate Process Models.”  Presented at ICIS Grounded Theory Methodology Workshop, Phoenix AZ, Dec 14th (Invited Speaker).

Waters, J. & Gasson, S. (2009) “Engaging Students in Distance Learning.” Presentation given at 7th Drexel eLearning Conference, March 26th, 2009.

Gasson, S. (2007) ‘Group Memory In Boundary-Spanning, Organizational Knowledge Management’, Communities & Technologies Conference, Workshop on Group Memory – position paper & presentation, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI, June 28-30, 2007

Gasson, S. and Waters, J. (2007) ‘How (not) to construct ALN course questions that encourage student participation in peer collaboration and knowledge construction,’ invited presentation at Collaborative Learning workshop, Hawaii Intl. Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-40), Jan. 2007.

Gasson, S. (2006) ‘New Rules For Organizational Knowledge Management’, iSchool Annual Conference, Invited Panel Member on the Future of Knowledge Management, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, Oct. 2006

Gasson, S. (2005) ‘Stopping Rules From A Multilevel Perspective Of IS Design’, HICSS Multi-Disciplinary System Design Knowledge workshop, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), January 2005

Gasson, S. (2003 – presentation & refereed abstract) ‘A Systemic Investigation Of Complex IS Framing And Specification’, in Proceedings of Intl. Symposium on Research Methods Workshop, Tampa FL, August 3, 2003

Gasson, S. (2002 – invited presentation), ‘Why has the subject of managing knowledge emerged as a significant area of study?’, Panel on Evolution of Knowledge Management Education, ASIST 2002 Conference, Philadelphia PA.

Gasson, S. (1996) ‘Information System Design: A Contradiction In Terms’, in Proceedings of OR38, Conference of the Operational Research Society, Warwick Business School, UK, 2-3 September 1996

Gasson, S. (1995) ‘Information Systems: Opening The Black Box’, Systems Society Conference on “Can Information Systems Be Considered A Discipline?” Published in Systemist: The Journal of the UK Systems Society [ISSN 0961-8309] 17(1), pp. 44-53.

Gasson, S. (1993) ‘Design Processes In Information Systems Development Projects’ Warwick Business School Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 188.